Dental Mouthguards and Nightguards in St. Johns, FL Has Dr. Bright or another dentist recommended a mouthguard or nightguard for your child? If so,... read more
As adults, we have all heard about how important flossing is for our teeth. But what about our children’s teeth? Do they need to be flossed? Simply... read more
School’s out for summer! For kids, that means summer camps, sleepovers, and late nights hanging out with friends. But what does that mean for your... read more
A question we hear often is, “Is it okay for my child to chew gum?” Parents are rightfully worried about allowing their little ones to hit up every... read more
Halloween is a favorite holiday among kids, and it’s obvious why. Dressing up like a favorite character and coming home at the end of the night with... read more
Cavities are one of the biggest issues we find in children’s teeth and one of the leading causes of missed school time. Small or large, they need to... read more
When it comes to our children’s teeth, parents always want to make sure they’re doing the best things they can to ensure a healthy smile. You may be... read more